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 A subungual hematoma is a collection of blood in the space between the nail bed and fingernail or toenail Subungual hematomas result from a...

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 浦和レッズでクラウドサービス「FanLife Platform」を活用 ファン・サポーター会員の行動を「見える化」し、 それぞれの嗜好に合ったサービスの提供により満足度を向上 株式会社日立ソリューションズ(本社:東京都品川区、取締役社長:柴原 節男/以下、日立ソリューションズ)...

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Retrofit of Insulation to Suspended Timber Floors All Projects Key Results 01 Heat loss reduction by 75% 02 Cold draughts reduced by 22% 03 ...

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Shop Men's Levi's® Clothing only at JCPenney The inventor of blue jeans has the market cornered, and when it comes to men's Levi...

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Copa America top scorers Showing assists, time on pitch and the shots on and off target Top goalscorers in Copa America 21 1 Lionel Messi – ...

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 Tennessee Basketball has officially dropped the jersey numbers for all the incoming players In total, the Vols have brought on seven player...